VC Birlidis

A Worn Paperback and a Huge Imagination

birlidis picFor Vasilios Constantine Birlidis, the road to getting published has been a long one. The inspiration for his novel, Muse Unexpected, was ignited when he was a child, due to his father reading to him from a worn paperback about the Greek Myths. The myths were certainly not the sort of bedtime story to read to a nine year old with an overactive imagination, and although he often begged his father to read another one, Vasilios experienced many sleepless and anxiety filled nights during his childhood.

Vasilios grew up in Miami, Florida, but now calls Columbus, Ohio and its many seasons home. He earned degrees at Capital University and North Central State College. When he’s not dabbling in the world of Muses, he works for the award-winning agency, SBC Advertising, as the Director of Marketing. This is his first novel. Visit him on the web at: or on Facebook at